Love…What is it really? For those who don’t know the Lord, love could literally be a hug, a caring note or word of encouragement, it could be sex, friendship, or all of the things that you think would keep you fulfilled. Yet, it only really lasts a moment.
Love truly is not a feeling but an action that goes beyond the condition of your heart, circumstance, and knowledge of what you believe it is.
God is love. Every part of his being and actions, from Creation to the Cross, demonstrates that He embodies love and loves unconditionally.
To know his love is something more than anyone could try to put into words. It’s unexplainable. As a matter of fact, it makes you wonder why, and how, he would even love someone like you or me. That’s where the unconditional part lies. He loves in a way that no man can love, yet all men strive to love (in their own way).
We are all seeking this type of acceptance and invitation to belong to a family, a Father, who by no means looks at the nastiness of our hearts to determine how much we deserve that day or in that moment.
He embraces us fully as we try to figure life out. This is the type of love I know from the Father.
So what happens when disappointment comes? I’ve had this feeling of disappointment a lot in my life, a whole lot. However, He has NEVER failed me. Every time I think something is coming or a change is revealing itself, it doesn’t always work out in what I would believe would be my favour. What’s great about this though is that HIS favour always prevails. God’s "no", when I want a “yes”, is still favour, and I t means that HE is planning something better and also keeping, or protecting, me from something that is not HIS best.
Recently, I have faced significant disappointment. I have a close family member facing some serious health issues, an opportunity that I was sure was going to come through for me didn’t, a business that I was making headway in started slowing down.
Walking out change to become a better wife, mother and woman was becoming more difficult as life kept throwing me curveballs (sanctification is hard y’all!) and my ability to worship (consistently) in church almost completely came to a halt. Lots of disappointment.
Perspective though tells me this really isn’t that bad, and it’s not, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t upsetting.
I haven’t even included the work that I have been putting into my blog to grow it to reach those that may be able to receive from it. That within itself is a full-time job. In the end, it’s all relative and I am extremely blessed during these COVID times.
His love reminds me that even in all this, when you think that what you have worked for is falling apart, he is still there walking with you. He is leading you and guiding you. He is comforting you and working on your behalf in the background. You are not forgotten. You are not less than what He says about you. You are not a failure. You are not a quitter. You are not irrelevant. You are a part of his plan. You are his beloved. You are his child. You are an heir to the largest, most significant, Kingdom that has ever existed. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and fully able to accomplish all that he has allowed to be before you and then some. You are HIS. YOU. ARE. LOVED.
“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.”
Psalms 139:17-18 NKJV
Remember this when life tries to knock you down. Remember that you can turn to him in those low moments and be reminded by His word. Speak His word over the lies the enemy tells you. His Truth is more than anything.
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