

August 11, 2021 THE MMA TEAM

Friend, if
there is one thing I have realized in these past few years in a way that I have never known before, is that God is constant and true!  I have also seen Him prove himself in the lives of others in this way. 

God has a way of taking the grueling trials of our lives and allowing them to grow us.  Through HIS word, HE demonstrates HIS love for us in ways that we cannot always conceive. 

The truth is that some days will seem heavenly, whilst others will feel like hell on earth, yet the undeniable truth is that God NEVER changes! 

Whether you are experiencing the peak of success or find yourself in a place of failure, God is there.

HE is with us in the midnight hour when  in a panic, we are thinking about what the future may hold, and first thing in the morning when we don’t even want to get out of bed.  

Our loving father is with us when we stop taking the anti-depressant because we have been healed, and when we start taking it because we have done all we know to do.

Jehovah-Shalom is with us when our kids make the honor roll, and when it takes all the time and effort just to pass summer school.

Yes, God is with us on the day we say “I do” and the day when perhaps that same relationship shifts forever.

Most importantly and more than anything else we can rely on that fact that God lets no pain go to waste.

Every heartache, rough day, lost loved one, divorce, health or mental health diagnosis, is an opportunity for God to take us deeper into the great plans HE has for our lives.

I encourage you with all the strength that you have and with all the courage you can muster, to give everything to Him and watch the beauty He creates out of it.

You can connect with Amber on: IG 

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