Faith is not only my name, it’s a way of life. It’s the foundation I gravitate towards in every situation I encounter in my life, whether good or bad.
As I remember the finished works of Jesus Christ, I try to walk and rest in what he has promised me and what he has already done.
Jesus died for my sins so that I could be FREE, and So that I could live life to the full.
Faith to me means resting in what God has promised me through his word. John 10:10
Faith to me means trusting God when the world calls you to trust other things.
When time is spent in the word of God, Faith is built. Romans10:17
I have to make a concise effort to go into the word of God everyday, to learn more about him and the ways that will lead me to a prosperous and victorious life. Hosea 4:6 says “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”