

January 30, 2021 THE MMA TEAM

Hustle and grind. Believe it and achieve it. Don
t settle. Am I the only one who finds myself intimidated, and a little annoyed, by this type of sentiment?

I love plans and lists. I enjoy the idea of success and am willing to work hard. However, despite hustling and trying to do all in my power to make my dreams come true, it doesnt always happen.

My life has not gone according to my plan. Many of the dreams and plans have not come to fruition. Some dreams have faded away over time, and some new things have come that I hadnt even planned!  A few of my dreams continue to linger, and these I have resolved to continue to pursue. Despite my resolve, sometimes the pursuit seems pointless. If you can relate to me, can I encourage you today?

Worry less about the content on your social media and worry more about the content of your heart. Focus less on the arbitrary timeline you have set. Its ok if you dont achieve your goal before youre thirty, forty, or fifty. Rather, focus on making the most of todays moments.

Success, as the world so often defines it, is manifested by massive followers and likes, yet in the light of all eternity,  it will not last.

I want to be known as someone who loves others well and points people to Jesus rather than being a ‘kick-butt boss babe’.

Today and everyday, you are enough!

God has made you in his image. He has equipped you for the work he has for you!  Ephesians 4:1-3 says, I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Working hard is not wrong and striving to be our best is a noble goal. Success is not wrong. However, it cannot overshadow our calling, which is to be people who are humble, full of patience, encouraging, and seeking peace with all.

As Ive considered this in my own life, I noticed my dreams and plans started to shift. I still have bold dreams, but my message has been clarified. Its not the message I would have assigned to myself, but its the one God has placed within me. 

My message is simple: love well on purpose.As your friends grieve, love them well with intentionality. As we raise children, love them well on purpose. As we find success in our careers and endeavours, we cannot lose our resolve to love others well and pursue peace. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.(1 John 4:11)

I give you permission to take a break from hustling. As we live, lets love well on purpose. Loving well may mean offering grace, rather than comparison, to our own hearts. Give yourself the grace to fail. Maybe what we think is failing is really just God making a way to do something new!

Isaiah 43:19 says, "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Offer encouragement to a friend through a text or drop off a coffee this afternoon. Notice the people around you: family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and the strangers you pass at the market. Love well on purpose. Be intentional with your life. Our worth is not defined by how hard we hustle or how many followers we have. Our worth is secure in God. From that security, lets love well on purpose.

You can connect with Rachel on her: Podcast HERE     Blog  HERE   IG  HERE 

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