“The dark night of the soul”

September 16, 2023 THE MMA TEAM

“The dark night of the soul”

From 2020-2022, my husband and I collectively lost five grandparents, all of whom were more like parents to us. Most of those losses were unexpected, coming as a result of COVID rather than old age. We lost an entire generation, and that is a grief we still struggle to reckon with.”

I am Sharon

September 13, 2023 THE MMA TEAM

I am Sharon

I can honestly say that recently I haven’t introduced myself based on my own merit or even using my own name. I’ve been answering to what people know about me”.

Dating my gods

September 09, 2023 THE MMA TEAM

Dating my gods

We need God and I have learned that there is no better way than to surrender your will, your plans and your idols”.

My New Year’s Day Gift

September 06, 2023 THE MMA TEAM

My New Year’s Day Gift

I knew I didn’t want to start 2023 with the nagging anxiety I had been dealing with for several months. So, I did what any child of the King would do, I decided to seek my Heavenly Father in prayer.”

GODMAIL With Tamaira

August 02, 2023 THE MMA TEAM

GODMAIL With Tamaira

The ministry of Godmail was given to me in a dream in 2021.  The Lord revealed that this ministry would be an invitation to really know Him as He delivered messages of love from His heart to yours”